Yang Yinhua

Release time:2014-09-04Views:22


Personal Information

Yang Yinhua, female, Bachelor, Associate Professor, Library, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791366, yyh@sues.edu.cn.

Research Fields

Since she entered the university in 1983, Professor Yang Yinhua has engaged in computer education, the construction of computer lab, computer control, intelligent control and the research and development of control units, especially the research and development of distributed control systems and intelligent systems. She has participated in a number of projects on provincial and ministerial level. She conducted in-depth theoretical study and practical development in intelligent control. She did some researches on the combination of complex processes and artificial intelligence techniques and achieved some results.

Research Achievements

Yang Yinhua, Shu Jianhong, Wang Hong. Design of the wynthetic automatic aystem for Substation [J]. MicrocomputerInformation, 2009(1):31-35.in Chinese