Zhao Xiaoyu

Release time:2014-09-19Views:65


Personal Information

Zhao Xiaoyu, female, Master, awarded from Jilin University.Associate Professor, School of Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. 86-21-67791147, zhaoxiaoyu@sues.edu.cn.

Research Fields

Vehicle Body Design, Vehicle safety design.

Research Achievements

1. Zhao Xiaoyu, Xing Yanfeng, Hua Jian. The Study of the Emergency Locking Retractor for Vehicle Safety Belt Locking Performance. Automobile Technology, 2010, 422(11) .

2. Zhao Xiaoyu, XING Yan-feng, Wu Zheng. The Dynamic Analysis of the Vehicle Safe Belt Retractor Locking Performance Based on the Software of ADAMS. Machinery Design & Manufacture, 2010(12).

3. Zhao Xiaoyu, Xing Yanfeng. Design of Locking Performance of Automotive Safety Belt Retractor. Machinery, 2010, 48(7) .

4. Zhao Xiaoyu QIN Xiao-lei et al. Improvement Design of SUES-1 EP Car. Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science,2008, 22(4):pp331-335 .

5. Xing Yan-feng, Zhao Xiaoyu. A particle Swarm Algorithm for Assembly Sequence Planning, Machinery Design & Manufacture, 2011 (3) .

6. Zhao Xiaoyu, Xing Yanfeng, Li Yingjie. Based On Matllab Electrically Operated Windshield Wiper Systems Design Method Research, ICMTMA2011Manufacturing Engineering and AutomationⅠ, Part2, pp621-624, Trans. Tech. Publications) (EI)

7. Zhao Xiaoyu, Xing Yan-feng, Wu Zhen. The Dynamic Simulation Analysis of the Vehicle Safety Belt Retractor, ICMEA2010 (Advanced Materials Researchols.139-141(2010),pp1097-1100,Tech Publications,Switzerland)(EI)

8. Wang Xiaochong, Zhao XiaoyuThe Analysis of Vehicle Safety Belt Locking Performance . Journal of Communications and Networking USANWPJ-201401-032014(01)