SUES International Coop-education

Focusing on the development of students’ comprehensive capacity and the improvement of students’ core competitiveness, cooperative education (CO-OP) is a kind of talent nurturing mode which optimizes the advantages of different educational platforms such as schools, enterprises and research institutions, and thus integrates classroom-based learning with work-based learning. As an important part of CO-OP, international CO-OP has long been popular with the vast number of students.

Every year, SUES sends students to dozens of countries such as the UK, the USA, Japan, Korea, Italy, etc. to receive CO-OP, which plays a positive role in widening teachers’ and students’ international field of vision, enhancing the international influence of CO-OP and promoting our cooperation and exchange with overseas universities.

So far, SUES has boasted 13 schools engaged in international CO-OP with dozens of countries or regions in America, Europe or Asia, such as Lawrence Technological University, St. Cloud State University and Columbus State University in the USA; University of Cumbria, Southampton Solent University and Liverpool John Moores University in Britain; Domus Academy in Italy; Gunma National College of Technology, Kyushu Sangyo University and Yamagata University in Japan; and Kongju National University and University of Ulsan in Korea and so forth.

In the past five years, the number of enrolled international CO-OP students has reached 600. The number of overseas students coming to China for CO-OP has exceeded 100. SUES is gaining increasing international influence of CO-OP.