Pre-Match Press Conference for the Shanghai 2024 FISU World University Championship Futsal

Release time:2024-06-09Views:11

On the morning of June 9, the Shanghai 2024 FISU World University Championship Futsal Organizing Committee held a pre-match press conference.

Attendees included FISU Executive Committee Member and Chairman of the International Supervision, Control and Arbitration Committee of FISU (CISCA) Sami Alphonse Garabetian, President of the FISU American University Sports Federation and Chairman of the FISU Futsal Technical Committee Alim Rachid Maluf Neto, and Zhu Xiaoqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, and Vice Chairwoman and Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee. The conference was hosted by Xu Yang, Deputy Secretary-General and Head of the Press and Public Relations Department of the Organizing Committee.

Sami Alphonse Garabetian delivered a speech on behalf of FISU, expressing heartfelt thanks to Shanghai University of Engineering Science and the Federation of University Sports of China for hosting this event, which had been postponed for over three years. He extended sincere gratitude to all those who have supported and cared about the development of university sports worldwide. He stated that FISU is dedicated to creating sports competition opportunities for students worldwide and is delighted to see the FISU World University Championship Futsal being held in the wonderful city of Shanghai, China. In addition to the competition, the event will feature a variety of cultural activities, allowing participants to experience local culture, promote mutual understanding, and foster cultural exchange. He hoped that all athletes would demonstrate their skills, uphold the spirit of sportsmanship, and adhere to fair competition, achieving excellent results while enjoying their time in Shanghai.

At the press conference, Zhu Xiaoqing provided an overview of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, highlighting its outstanding achievements in university futsal. She also briefed attendees on the schedule and the preparatory work for the event. Zhu emphasized the integration of sports and culture, presenting this championship as an important window to showcase traditional Chinese culture to the world. The Organizing Committee has launched a special cultural experience day, inviting university athletes from around the globe to experience the extraordinary charm of Chinese civilization in their spare time. She noted that the preparation work for this event is highly systematic and comprehensive, covering multiple areas including sports, culture, education, and publicity. This represents a multifaceted and multilevel practice of international exchange and cooperation, characterized by four main features: 1. Close cooperation between the university and the government: The smooth progress of the preparations is due to the close collaboration between Shanghai University of Engineering Science and the municipal government, the municipal education commission, and related departments. This cooperation is reflected in resource sharing, information exchange, and coordinated actions, ensuring high efficiency and high standards in the preparatory work. 2. Integration of sports activities and talent cultivation: The preparation for this event is not just about hosting a successful sports competition but also serves as an important platform for talent cultivation. Through the preparation and execution of the event, many students and young volunteers participate, learning and growing in practice, better developing their organizational, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, and inspiring them to continuously surpass themselves. 3. Organic integration of event promotion and cultural exchange: During the preparation process, the Organizing Committee has emphasized the organic combination of event promotion and cultural exchange. The promotion of the event not only enhances its visibility and influence but also spreads Chinese culture, increasing international understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture. 4. High alignment of social responsibility and social value: In the preparation of the event, the principles of simplicity, safety, and sustainable development are upheld, ensuring that the event's preparation aligns with the overall interests of society. The Organizing Committee is committed to ensuring the inclusiveness of the event, focusing on environmental protection, emphasizing sportsmanship and fair competition, and ensuring that every athlete can showcase their abilities in a fair environment.

During the press conference, journalists from Xinhua News Agency, Xinmin Evening News, and Shanghai Television, among others, asked questions about the event, team preparations, and cultural promotion, etc., FISU Executive Committee Member, Chairman of CISCA, Sami Alphonse Garabetian, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and Director of the Department of Competition and Events, Zhang Jianxin, and player representatives Wang Qing from the Chinese men's team and Carolina from the Portuguese women's team responded to the questions.