Opening ceremony for freshmen of 2020 Held Successfully

Release time:2020-10-12Views:23

On the afternoon of October 12, the opening ceremony for the 2020 freshmen of Shanghai University of Engineering Science was held at the West Stadium of Songjiang Campus. 6,743 freshmen gathered together to welcome their new journey of life. Li Jiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of SUES, Lu Jiahua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of SUES, Zhu Xiaoqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of SUES, Yao Xiuping, Wang Yansong and Xia Chunming, Vice Presidents of SUES attended the opening ceremony. Also attending the ceremony were off-campus counselor Dr. Qu Hongping, Director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Ruijin Hospital, who was awarded the Good Doctor of China, heads of relevant functional departments, Party and college leaders, teacher representatives, and 2020 postgraduate students, undergraduates, and preparatory freshmen. The freshman opening ceremony was hosted by Zhu Xiaoqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of SUES.

The opening ceremony opened with the solemn National Anthem. Speakers include Professor Li Jiang, Professor Lu Jiahua, Dr. Qu Hongping, Professor Wang Jiping, Liang Qimin of the School of Materials Engineering (representative of freshmen), and Chu Zhaochao, graduate student of the School of Management Studies (representative of students).

The opening ceremony for freshmen ended with the Alma Mater. Huge national flags and university flags were passed in the waving hands of the students, and the phone flashlights gathered into the sea of stars. We wish our motherland prosperity and SUES success.

The art programs of the opening ceremony were jointly planned by the Youth League Committee and the Student Affairs Office. They fully showed the positive high spirit of teachers and students. The opening ceremony was also broadcasted live on the Internet.