Digital Media Art

Release time:2021-08-16Views:10

Program Introduction: It’s a four-year bachelor of arts degree program. This program is based on digital media art and design. By means of digital media, it enables the students to create with the dynamic visual language, to complete design of dynamic image and interactive media, so that they can integrate music, sound, image and device, combined with the space environment, on the latest achievements of new media, and accomplish specific concept planning, in-depth design and experimental practice. As a result, students may finally become excellent designing talents of digital media art with high comprehensive quality and innovative thinking.

Main CoursesFoundation of Communication Technology, Processing Technology of Digital Signals, Processing and Transmission of Multimedia Information, Special Effects Creation, UI Design, audio-visual language, interaction design, information design, nonlinear editing software applications, audio editing image synthesis, illustration design, TV channel packaging, digital image technology, film and television advertising, film and television sound art, multimedia design, new media art, dynamic structure design, television, introduction to art and design, virtual reality and theory courses and practical teaching links.

Career Outlook: The graduates can be employed in the film and television programme production department in TV Station, media organization, movie and TV companies, press and publication industry, digital film and TV production companies, advertising companies, animation companies, universities and other institutions and enterprises, engaged in the digital media and publishing, digital movie and TV program planning and production, digital video effects and synthesis, design and production of film and television advertising, title design and production and film and television program packaging, etc.