SUES held the Opening Ceremony of Class 2022

Release time:2022-09-26Views:16

On the morning of September 26th, the opening ceremony of class 2022 of Shanghai University of Engineering Science was held at Zhihong Hall on Songjiang Campus. A total of 6394 freshmen gathered online and offline to open a new chapter in their lives together. All of the presidents of SUES attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Zhang Jianjun, alumni representative of SUES, president of Shanghai Qifu Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd., also attended this ceremony. Besides the presidents and Mr. Zhang jianjun, many others also attended the ceremony such as the heads of relevant functional departments, leaders of different colleges, teacher representatives, postgraduate students, undergraduate students, and new students of the preparatory department in 2022. The ceremony was presided over by Zhu Xiaoqing, the vice president of SUES.

With the solemn national anthem, the opening ceremony officially began.

Li Jiang, President of SUES, presented books to the new students, encouraging them to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, absorb the strength of faith, use down-to-earth efforts, take courageous and resolute steps, hold fast and pursue the dream, shoulder the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation, and create the best achievements of youth on the relay track of history.

President Yu Tao delivered a speech entitled The Future Has Come, and We Will Walk Steady in Confidence. He introduced the achievements of SUES in the past four decades and more to the students. He also hoped that the new students would inherit the motto of SUES, Diligence, Veritas, Innovation and Dedication, and grow up to be dreamers of SUES with strong passions of patriotism. At the same time, Dr. Yu encouraged the new students to hold the down-to-earth attitude, persevere in their engineering majors, and dedicate their lives to the time and the people.

Zhang Jianjun, an alumni representative, a deputy to the People's Congress of Songjiang District and president of Shanghai Qifu Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd., encouraged the students to grasp the opportunity of the time, persevere in their learning, hug the challenges with confidence, and devote themselves to our country with their experience.

Professor Fang Yu, the representative of the tutor and the dean of School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, encouraged the students to face the opportunities and challenges, to achieve both ability and political integrity, to put morality first, to forge a thousand hammers, to have the courage to innovate, to aim high, to achieve great achievements, and to strive to become the backbone of the country.

Lu Jiayi, the representative of the new students from School of Management Studies, shared her dream of the upcoming college life, hoping to continue to expand the depth, breadth and thickness of life in SUES, and grow up to be a self-reliant and promising individual in the new era.

Hu Xueshuai, a representative of higher class students and chairman of the Graduate Student Association of School of Materials Science and Engineering, shared his experience of academic growth, encouraging the new students to strengthen their commitment to the scientific research for our country. Furthermore, Hu encouraged the new students to adhere to the academic pursuit of truth-seeking, and adhere to the integrity of knowledge and practice.

Sun Tingni, the executive president of the Student Union, led the new students to take the oath of admission, which means that the college students must work hard to practice the oath and reassure both the party and the nation due to their dedication.

At the end of the ceremony, all the faculty and students sang the alma mater, Walk Forward, SUES, to jointly greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and open a new journey of hard work both for the Party and the nation.