SUES International Students Explore the Lacquer Art in Chinese Culture Workshop

Release time:2022-10-26Views:10

In order to demonstrate the essence of Chinese culture and promote the intangible cultural heritage, SUES College of International Education and Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts partnered to bring an innovative cultural experience workshop to international students on October 25. More than 20 teachers and students from Japan, Russia, Australia and other countries participated in this activity. The students entered the world of Chinese intangible cultural heritage and experienced lacquer bead craft.

The students learned about Chinese lacquer ware and lacquer art, and experienced the polishing of lacquer beads and the made them into beautiful necklaces. Patiently polished by the students, the dark beads gradually took on an exciting and amazing hue of blue, red, gold and white. To make a lacquer bead they need to repeatedly brush paint and polish for dozens of times. The two-hour experience workshop opened a window for students to experience the simple charm of traditional Chinese lacquer and colorful narrative style.

After the activity, MS. Wang Qin, Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and Dean of College of International Education, Mr. Li Yuewen, Vice dean of College of International Education, and Ms. Wang Jin, teacher from Foreign Affairs Department of Shanghai Arts and Crafts Vocational School had a meeting. They summarized this cultural experience class, and explored innovative ways for future cooperation, hoping to promote the mutual integration of Chinese civilization and world civilizations.