Deng Chen

Release time:2014-09-07Views:74


Personal Information

Deng Chen, Female, awarded from Master, Shanghai JiaoTong University. Prof., School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science.+86-21-67791130,

Research Fields

Field of research involves intelligent detection and information processing; She has been engaged in research of the theory and technology in intelligent measurement and control system, as well as automation devices for a long time. Her research interests include intelligent detection and signal processing; wireless sensor network and internet of things, embedded system and its applications.

Research Achievements

1) Deng Chen,etc. WSNs For - Indoor Location algorithm Based on Fuzzy Control(in chinese)[J]. Journal of Computer Applications2011

2Deng Chen,etc. An Low Power Indoor Location System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks(in chinese)[J].Measurement & Control Technology2011

3) Deng Chen,etc, Measurement and Feature Extraction of Arterial Pulse Wave Velocity Based on Chaotic oscillators(in chinese)[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications,2010.

45)Deng Chen,etc. Excellent engineer training series textbook NGB access network technology, Tsinghua University press, 2013.

5) SUES of development of science and technology funded projects :”The new wireless sensor network node control strategy research and system development”, Project Leader, 2010.12-2012.12