Li Pengju

Release time:2014-09-01Views:33


Personal Information

Li Pengju, male, Ph.D, awarded from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. associate professor, School of Management, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-021-67791401,

Research Fields

The main research domains are the interface of marketing and accounting, brand management,consumer behavior, and social marketing.

Research Achievements

1. Li Pengju, Huang Pei. On Concept of Materialism and Its Impact on Subjective Well-being——An Empirical the Post-1980s-based Study(in chinese)[J]. East China Economic Management , 2010, 2: 50-54.

2. Li Pengju. Fifth generation brand - brand as company and policy building research(in chinese)[J]. Enterprise Vitality, 2008,12: 36-37.

3. Li Pengju. Based on the company brand association of store image and its research on the influence of the own brand awareness[M]. Southwest Jiaotong University Press, 2014.

research project: Research on Cruise tourists behavior and cruise culture cultivation in our country,undertaken by Li Peng-Ju, the Decision Consult Study for Shanghai Municipal People's Government , from the Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Governmen, 2013.

research project: On Organizational Associations in Retailer , undertaken by Li Peng-Ju, the Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 2008.