Fan Junhui

Release time:2014-09-01Views:50


Personal Information

Fan Junhui , Female, Master, awarded from Nanjing University of Science & Technology. Associate professor, Management school, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-13917757012,

Research Fields

Master of engineering, awarded as the outstanding young teachers of SUES in 2006, member of Shanghai system engineering institute. The main research fields are system engineering methods and its application in information science and social security. Mainly teaches the following courses: "operation research", "system engineering" and "program design".Member of Shanghai teaching team "social security" and "information management and information system". Responsible for the completion of Shanghai Education Commission project and innovation project. Participating in several projects that are funded by Chinese Nature Science Foundation and several government and industry organizations.

Research Achievements

1. Current supply and demand problems and coping strategies of highly skilled talents,International Journal of Advances in Management Science,2013.11

2. Prioritize Influence Factors Affecting Innovation of Strategic Emerging Enterprises,International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization,2013.9

3. Quantitative Analysis of Relationship between "Three Lines" in Shanghai,Second International Conference on Business Computing and Global Information,2012.10

4. Impact Analysis on Pension System Transition of Institutions,Second International Conference on Business Computing and Global Information,2012.3

5. Quantitative Game Models of Standard of the Lowest Wage and Minimum Living Standard,EBM CPCIISTP,20101