Yu Kai

Release time:2014-09-03Views:17


Personal Information

Yu Kai, male, Ph.D, awarded from East China Normal University (ECNU). Professor, Collage of Social Science, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791104, ykham1999@163.com.

Research Fields

Professor Yu Kai focuses his academic research on Chinese traditional governance history, China social security history, public policy analysis, narratology of national-history, Oriental management, etc. As an expert in social sciences, Prof. Yu had presided over four projects of Consulting and Decision-Making Studies for Shanghai Municipal Government, one project sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, one project of SUNSHINE SCHOLAR sponsored by Shanghai education foundation, three projects sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. He has published nearly 30 academic papers and 6 books.

Research Achievements

1.The View of National History Education in the Context of Globalization [J].History Teaching and Research2012(4)in Chinese.

2.Guide of Traditional Sinology Classics [M]. Beijing: China Encyclopedia Publishing House, 2011in Chinese.

3. The Origin Meaning and Ethical Qualities of Chinese Traditional Concept of Honesty [J].Hunan Social Sciences, 2010(6)in Chinese.

4. Chinese Traditional Management Thought: Theory’s Spectrum and History effect [J], Journal of Ludong University, 2010(1)in Chinese.

5. The Relation of Individual Peasants and State Powers in Ancient China from Warring States Period to Qin-Han Dynasties [J]. Social Science Front, 2006 (1)in Chinese.