Feng Jie

Release time:2014-09-03Views:41


Personal Information

Feng Jie, female, Ph.D, awarded from East China Normal University. Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791085, fengjie@sues.edu.cn.

Research Fields

Professor Feng Jie focuses her academic research on the following fields:

1. Study of the sinicization of Marxismmainly on the research of the history and the internal logic of the key concepts of the sinicization of Marxism

2. Study of contemporary social trend of thought, mainly on the research of the thought of the liberalism and utilitarianism

Research Achievements

1.Feng Jie . On the history of the concept of socialism in modern China [J]. People's Tribune,2012,377(9)208-209.

2.Feng Jie. On the history and the internal logic of the concept of Collectivism in the modern China [J]. Theory Monthly,2012,9,137-142.

3.Feng Jie. On the conception of equality of Marxism in the early modern China [J]. The Northern Forum,2011,225(1),93-97.

4.Feng Jie. On the key conceptions of the sinicization of Marxism in the early modern China [J]. The frontier,2011,293(15),58-64.