Ding Zhuojing

Release time:2014-09-03Views:29

Personal Information

Ding Zhuojing, female, awarded from Shanghai University. Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791102, dzjskb@sues.edu.cn, Jennifer_ding@yeah.net.

Research Fields

Professor Ding Zhuojing focuses her academic research on Sociology of Communication, Interaction between Media and Society, New Media Study, and Audience Study.

From July 2011 to March 2012, she studied as a visiting scholar in Journalism School of University of Missouri(Columbia-City) in U.S.A.

Research Achievements

Since 2006, she has published nearly 20 Academic articles on a variety of journals, e.g. Journalism Bimonthly, Contemporary Communication, Journalism Review, etc. Besides, she has finished the projects granted by the ministry and the committees and participated in over 10 scientific projects at different levels.


1. The Media Literacy Education of the Older in the New media environment[J],Journalism,2012,03:116-122

2. The use and cognitive of the New Media in the daily life of the old urban people[J],Contemporary Communication,2013,11:102-106


1. Project of Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences: The influence of the New Media on the adaption of the older urban people, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences, 201401-201612

2. Project of Shanghai decision-consultation: The influence of the New Media on the life style of the older urban people, The development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People’s Govemment, 201007-201012

3.Project of Songjiang Scientific Committee: Cluster development of the cultural and creative industries in Songjiang,201405-201411

4.Project of Shanghai Graduate educational innovation: The new media and the life-style transformation of the older urban people, the Shanghai Committee of Academic Degree, 201209-201309