Zhang Jie

Release time:2014-09-01Views:28


Personal Information

Zhang Jie, male, Ph.D, awarded from Beijing Normal University. Professor, School of Arts and Design, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791482, zhangj66128@126.com.

Research Fields

Professor Zhang Jie focuses his academic research on package designvisual transmission design, cultural and creative industry planning and design theory.

Research Achievements

1. Research of the Undergraduate Training Mode of Art and Design Major in China. Peking University Press, 2011(11). (in Chiese)

2. The Contrast and Fusion between Figurative and Abstract Graphics in Logo Design(in Chinese). Zhuangshi. 2014(3).

3. Change and UpgradeThe Evolution and Newborn of Chinese Creative Industry. SDX Joint Publishing Company. 2012(8)

4. China Kunshan International Packaging & Print Industry Fair(China) 2013.

5.Industry Design and Man-Machine Engineering Laboratory Construction.