Li Ya

Release time:2014-09-01Views:30


Personal Information

Li Ya, female, Master, awarded from University of Central England. Associate Professor, School of Arts and Design, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67874122,

Research Fields

Professor Li Ya focuses her academic research on Visual Communication Design and Interactive Multimedia.

Research Achievements

1. To Improve the Practical Ability of Students of Professional Art Colleges.beijing. China Zhuang Shi. 2014in Chinese

2. Application of Extension Methods in the Binding of books. Beijing:Technology and publication magazine. 2013in Chinese

3.Research on Application of Graphics in the Mobile Phone Newspaper . Beijing: China Zhuang Shi.2012in Chinese

4. Graphic Design.Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.2011in Chinese

5.Letter Forms Design From the Environment. The eleven National Fine Arts Exhibition. Shen Zhen. The Ministry of Culture. 2009in Chinese