Zhou Zhifeng

Release time:2014-09-01Views:79


Personal Information

Zhou Zhifeng, male, Ph.D, awarded from Shanghai JiaoTong University. Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791413, zhousjtu@126.com.

Research Fields

Associate Professor Zhou Zhifeng was born in December 1976 in China, received the doctoral degree in Instrument Science and Technology from Shanghai JiaoTong University in 2007. His research interests include moving vehicle axle-load measurement, automatic driving of farm machinery based on BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and computer measurement and control system.

Research Achievements

1. Zhou Zhi-feng,Cai Ping,Chen Ri-xing.Weigh in Motion Based on Parameters Optimization Journal of Donghua UniversityEI:20092812185120),2009261):46-51.

2. zhou zhifeng. Measuring Diameter of Non-threaded Hex Bolts Based on Hough Transform. 2011 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation(EI20111313853393). Shanghai2011,Volume 2:526-528.

3. Zhou Zhi-Feng, An approach for detecting regular hexagon.(EI20111213761595), Advanced Materials Research, 2011 International Conference on Sport Material, Modelling and Simulation, 2011, Vol.187: 780-785.

4. Zhou Zhi-feng. Weigh in Motion Based on Dynamic Tire Force SeparationEI20120114655882. Advances in Intelligent and Soft ComputingProceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering (ICCE2011) November 19-20, 2011, Melbourne, Australia: Volume 1: Intelligent Control and Network521-529.

5. Zhou Zhifeng. Vision detection of unthreaded hex bolts. Optical Technique, 2012,384):415-420in chinese.


1. 2013.7~2014.11,“Development of agricultural machinery main control board based on BeiDou Navigation Satellite System”, from Shanghai Sinan Satellite Navigation Technology Co., Ltd. China),Zhou Zhifeng.

2. 2011.12~2012.11,“Design of ball head bolt automatic drilling System”from Changzhou Zhonghao Special Standard Pats Manufacturing Co., Ltd.China),Zhou Zhifeng.

3. 2009.01~2010.12,“Visual Inspection of Polished Rod Hexagon Bolt Manufacturing”, a project funded by Shanghai Municipal Education CommissionFoundation for Young TeachersChina),Zhou Zhifeng.