Lei Juyang

Release time:2014-09-01Views:125


Personal Information

Lei Juyang, male, Doctor, awarded from Shanghai Jiaotong university. Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. 0802, +86-21-67791178, leijuyang@sina.com.

Research Fields

I am mainly interested in bayesian network, nonparametric bayes and distributed control system. I have deep basic theory and application ability of bayesian knowledge expression, bayesian inference, bayesian model selection, Dirichlet process and Gaussian process. Recently I focus on research and teaching in intelligent control, pattern recgnization and distributed control system. There are five papers published in core periodicals at home and abroad.

Research Achievements


1. Juyang LeiSpeech enhancement based on Chinese restaurant process. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university.2013.4.

2.Juyang LeiStudy on inference of Markov chain Monte Carlo based on BICElectric machines control application201112.

3. Juyang Lei, Ke Huang , Haixiang Xu, Xizhi Shi. Infinite-dimensional sampling inference algorithm for linear dynamic system. Neurocomputing, 2009, 72(4-6):1307-1311.SCI.

4. Juyang Lei, StudyonhybridsamplinginferenceforDirichletprocessmixtureofGaussianprocessmodelJournal of Shanghai Jiaotong University2010.2.

5. Juyang LeiBlock sampling inference algorithm of Kalman smoothing for linear system, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University082008.


1. Structure learning for dynamic system Shanghai science and technology commission 2009

2. Study on Maneuvering target trackinginitial funding of Shanghai Univ. of Engineering Science 2010