Jin Xiaoyi

Release time:2014-09-01Views:123


Personal Information

Jin Xiaoyi, Female, Ph.D, awarded from Southeast University. Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67874119, jinxy@sues.edu.cn.

Research Fields

My research interests in areas of Biomimetic Robots, mechanisms and tribology. I taught some mechanical professional courses like "Mechanisms and Machine Theory", "Mechanical Design", "Modern Design Theory and Methods", and so on. As a project leader have undertake and complete more than a dozen of academic and industry research projects focus on Bionic Flying Robot, Mechanisms Analysis and Friction Wear in recent years. As the first or corresponding author, more than 20 papers have been published at international conferences, core journals, including articles record by Ei, both written in Chinese and English.

Research Achievements

1. Zhu Baoling,XiaoYi Jin,Niv Dongke,Xu Yang,Han Wang,Zhou Hongyu.Optimization of mobile robot system with planetary whee[J].Manufacturing Automation,2013,35(12):35-39.(in Chinese)

2. XiaoYi Jin,Xu Yang,Zhang Liqiang,Yan Jingping.Study on Movement Consistency of Insects Flying and Fish Swimming[J].Machine Design and Research,2012, 28(6):4-6.in chinese

3. Zhang Xiangwei,JIN Xiaoyi,Niv Dongke,Xuyang.Analysis of sales performance disk Friction[J].Machine Design and Research,2013,29(6):134-137.(in chinese)

4. The building of key course in mechanical design,The key course projects of ShanghaiMunicipal Education Commission(S201001001),China,JIN Xiaoyi,Dec.2010-Dec.2012.

5. The development of tribometer vibration loads and vibration signal acquisition,home-made experimental projects in Shanghai University of Engineering Science,China,JIN Xiaoyi, Jun.2014-Dec.2015.