Fu Yunzhun

Release time:2014-09-01Views:98


Personal Information

Fu Yunzhun, Male, Doctor, awarded from Tongji University. Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791178, fuyunzhun@126.com.

Research Fields

1. Air conditioning heat pump technology

2. Numerical calculation offluid flow and heat transfer

3. Energy-saving technologies ofenergy andair conditioning system

Research Achievements

1Fu Yunzhun ,Lin Bao ,Zhang Xu, Heating characteristic analysis of deep well water source heat pump systems, HVAC, 2006. Vol.36(2),92-98,in chinese

2Fu Yunzhun ,Lin Bao ,Zhang Xu, Technical and economic analysis of deep well water source heat pump system, Journal ofTongji University (Natural Science), 2006.11, Vol.34(10),1383-1390,in chinese

3. Yunzhun Fu, Research on application of household gas air conditioner in the residence of Shanghai, Building Science2008.12Vol.24NO.12,46-50 ,in chinese

4. Yunzhun Fu, Experimental Study on Characteristic of floor Radiant Heating of Capillary Tube, Fluid machinery2009.8VOL.37,54-57,in chinese

5. Yunzhun Fu, Research on disturbance characteristics of high-precision constant temperature room of a scientific experiment center Building science2012.10,VOL.28(10),78-83, in chinese

Research project

1. 2010.3 -2010.12Enterprisescommissionprojects, Numerical simulation and analysis of air conditioningairflow of datablade servercomputer room , Project leader.

2. 2011.10-2013.9The SchoolFundProject, Study on heat transfermechanismand thethermal performance of Heat exchangerin aburied concretepile foundation”,Project leader.

3.2013.10-2015.10,Enterprisescommissionprojects,The calculationand design of containment systeminsulation of newliquefied natural gas shipliquid cargo, Project leader.

4. 2014.1-2014.12, Enterprisescommissionprojects, Design of hot water system with solar energyand airsource heat pump ”, Project leader.

5. 2014.6-2014.12, Enterprisescommissionprojects, “Computing and designsoftware development of adiabatic system of LNG shipliquidcargo”, Project leader.