Qian Yubin

Release time:2014-09-19Views:72

Personal Information

Qian Yubin, male, Ph.D,awarded from Chang’an University. Associate Professor, School of Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science . + 86-21-67791231, qianyb@sues.edu.cn.

Research Fields

Research work mainly was focused on driver’s behavior and traffic accident in-depth investigation. The ECG changes and operation behavior parameters of large bus drivers in the actual route was tested with the design of real-time acquisition experimental system of ECG and operation behavior parameters of large long-distance night bus drivers. The total experimental distance is about 18000 km. The first traffic accident in-depth investigation in Songjiang district of Shanghai continuously carries out from 2007 to now. The project services in the vehicle recall of Defective Product Administrative Center of AQSIQ.

Research Achievements

1. Qian Yubin, Tao xiao ming, Wang yan, Xiao lingyun, A Study on Vehicle Defect Characteristics Based on Domestic Recall Data, Management, 2014, 4(2): 50-57

2. Qian Yubin, liu haoxue, wang wanqiu, wu changshui, Experimental Research on Driving Behaviors of Freeway On-Off Ramp, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011,vol.20 suppl.1, 72~78.

3. Qian Yubin, liu haoxue, pan shuming, wu changshui, Design of test system on nighttime driving behavior and ECG characteristics of long-distance bus drivers (I)--Test Design, ICIE2010 Beidai River China, 460~464.

4. Qian Yubin, liu haoxue, pan shuming, wu changshui, Design of test system on nighttime driving behavior and ECG characteristics of long-distance bus drivers (II)-- Experimental Result Analysis, ICIE2010 Beidai River China, 465~468.

5. Qian Yubin, liu haoxue, The Influence of Urban Crossroad Facilities on Pedestrian Safety in Shanghai, China, 2007 ICTCT in Beijing, China