Wu Suichao

Release time:2014-09-02Views:14


Personal Information

Wu Suichao, male, Ph.D, awarded from Tongji university. Associate Professor, School of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791190, wsc19820204@163.com.

Research Fields

Professor Wu Suichao focuses his academic research on modular Lie algebra and its representation theory, and the first Cartan invariants of finite groups of Lie type.

Research Achievements

1. Wu SuichaoPu Yanmin and Jiang ZhihongIrreducible representations of Cartan-type Lie algebras (in Chinese)Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science) 2009 (2) 281-284

2. Wu Suichao and Ye JiachenThe Cartan invariant matrix for the finite symplectic group Sp(43) (in Chinese)Acta Mathematica SinicaChinese Series2010 (6)1131-1138

3. Wu Suichao and Ye JiachenActa Mathematica Scientia (Series A) (in Chinese)2011 (2)466-477