Wang Guoqiang

Release time:2014-09-02Views:71


Personal Information

Wang Guoqiang, male, Ph.D, awarded from Shanghai University. Professor, College of Fundamental Studies, Shanghai University of Engineering Science. +86-21-67791190,

Research Fields

Professor Wang Guoqiang focuses his academic research on Optimization Theory, Algorithms and its applications, including interior-point methods for symmetric optimization and symmetric cone complementarity problem, and their applications.

Research Achievements

Journal papers

1. Wang G.Q., Yu C.J. and Teo K.L., A full-Newton step feasible interior-point algorithm for $P_*(\kappa)$-linear complementarity problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 59(1): 81-99, 2014.

2. Wang G.Q. and Bai Y.Q., A new full Nesterov-Todd step primal-dual path-following interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 154(3): 966-985, 2012.

Research Project

1. Wang Guoqiang et al. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11001169). Duration: 2011.012013.12. Grant amount: RMB 160,000.

2. Wang Guoqiang. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (No. 2012T50427). Duration: 2012.012013.06. Grant amount: RMB 150,000.

3. Wang Guoqiang et al. Shanghai Natural Science Fund Project (No. 14ZR1418900). Duration: 2014.072017.06. Grant amount: RMB 100,000.